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Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Word Wonder

Word Wonder
Even with the gaps that we mind
Between words and the signified
Words can weave a consolatory wickerwork 
Around pain, constellating new understandings.
Words can weave their way through warp
And weft of puzzles, riddles and ridicule
And liberate a pathway to freedom -
A word can wield a way where once
There seemed to be none.
Even in a world where they are bent, 
Spun and twisted to fit false, fickle
And fast fleeting perspectives,
Words can bestow the wonder of a truth
Owned, a trouble halved and shared
And a redeeming olive branch proffered.
An imaginary realm where dreams
Can live, words weave a sound around 
The silence, birthing the unsaid to be
Heard and acknowledged. And as this 
Trail of electronic words marches
Across the glow of the virtual page 
To the gleaming sightlines of your listening eyes
So we see and read each other 
As stars passing across times eternal skies.