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Monday, 21 May 2018

Creative Sprint Day 21 - 31

Creative Sprint Day 21 - Word Window

Text reads


There is a window of words
In this notebook
Words by which I might reflect
Recreate, rewrite myself
And take a new vista on the world
I'm peering out through this
Word-window wondering
Whether you will see or hear me
Or whether these words just
Reflect me back to myself
In the glassy window word pane


Words create a new world
Change the world
With their utterance
Bend perception
Create reflections
By which we bounce off
Each other and
Meet in counterpoint
Corners of meaning - 
There is a nook of listening
Where we might linger
And lean into each other
And find something new to
Refresh our souls....

Day 22 - Create something for an animal/pet

I fell off the creative wagon around Day 22 - but was amazed to have got even that far and actually doing the daily tasks was really healthy in a very busy period. This Sprint I really valued the mutual support and inspiration in the Creative Sprint FB Group - thanks to everyone contributing there and Here's a quick ❤️ and a picture of Colin the Cat 😽 who lives upstairs and a rose from my garden to say thank you for another Great Creative Sprint

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Creative Sprint - Days 15-20

Day 15 - Quick rendition of You Raise Me Up - inspired by CreativeSprinter Regina Wahl’s beautiful picture ... and my choirs who love singing this song ðŸ˜ŠðŸŽ¶


Day 16 - My Name in Reverse


Day 17 camouflaged leaflet boxes for Festival of Peace Croydon

Day 18 A New Word - Episcate  - googly eyed fishiness


Day 19  - Public Place - Love Heart left in my Garden for someone to find

Day 20 - New Hairdo - Dino gets rainbow locks

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Creative Sprint Days 8-14

Day 8 - Collections
As a choir leader and singer I collect songs

Day 9 - Strange Bedfellows
A Dinosaur and the Bible

Day 10 Beyond the Frame
Waitrose Magazine - picture of rhurbarb extended by mint 'Freshly Picked' from my garden

Day 11 Extraordinary Ordinariness
Disco Scissors

Day 12 Envelope Cityscape

Day 13 Special Thank you to my nephew who asked for a monster

Day 14  - Disposable Cup - half full of optimism half empty with pessimism

#CreativeSprint May 2018 Days 1-7

Day 1 make something that fits in the palm of your hand

Day 2 Make something out of the letters in your name

Day 3 inspired by a piece of music that makes us feel good... and wild! 

Day 4 facing up to it... a face made from what's in my bag


Day 5 make something from money - what would the world be like if we only used money for and with love

 Day 6 Pattern 

A magic thread of irreplaceable hue
Weaving through time and space
Uniquely glancing light, reflecting diamonds, 

​D​elving depths, spinning stories, 

​H​umming mesmeric melodies 
So the warp and weft of a life spins out
Crossing a multitude of junctures 
In a patterned play of twisting colour-
Choices made, c​hance e​ncounters 

​A​nd knotty entanglements 
All sewn into this too vast tapestry
Only known by glimpses of its rhythms
Flickers of recognition a​s each thread  
Weaves within its all embracing arms 

Day 7 - this day in History

Love Among the Ruins
in honour of Robert Browning 
born 7th May 1812

Everyday we walk among the
Ruins of someone's long lost love,
We tread the trail of a falling star,
That rocked a lover's world,
We stir the embers of a fire
Which once ignited a grand passion,
Everyday passing across the tracks
Of love-smitten tears
With the course of our own 
Searching pathways

