In the Spam Box
Lives a multitude of fatty toxicity
Porky pies live here and multiply
And pinky pigs with curly tails fly
Across the virtual internet skies
With pumped up promises
Of immediate cash donations,
Death-defying beauty
And never-failing hard-ons.
Here in the Spam box
Forever friends come with
A Western Union pricetag,
Sexy chat can be yours for
A dollar a minute
And casino wheels spin
To the racket of rampant
Consumer dreams coming
To a sticky, happy end.
We keep this grotesque parade
Safely tinned and filtered,
But just one crack in the box
And K-Y jellied innards
Start oozing slippery seduction -
Emoticons wink, stars flash,
Hashtags blare the slogans
Of an insane shopping world
Fat on the belief that
Anyone and anything
Can be bought, bargained
And boxed into Spam.

Lives a multitude of fatty toxicity
Porky pies live here and multiply
And pinky pigs with curly tails fly
Across the virtual internet skies
With pumped up promises
Of immediate cash donations,
Death-defying beauty
And never-failing hard-ons.
Here in the Spam box
Forever friends come with
A Western Union pricetag,
Sexy chat can be yours for
A dollar a minute
And casino wheels spin
To the racket of rampant
Consumer dreams coming
To a sticky, happy end.
We keep this grotesque parade
Safely tinned and filtered,
But just one crack in the box
And K-Y jellied innards
Start oozing slippery seduction -
Emoticons wink, stars flash,
Hashtags blare the slogans
Of an insane shopping world
Fat on the belief that
Anyone and anything
Can be bought, bargained
And boxed into Spam.

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