Spring Sphinx Awakening
My breath laboured,
Electrified by the
Icy crisp clear day
I clamber along
Your rust-red flank
And nestle in the nook
Of your crumbling paws,
Hoping to catch a glimpse
Of wisdom from your
Inscrutable smile as you
Survey the bright horizon.
The biting February cold
Is lighting fires in my ears
And tear-smarting my eyes,
But you, unflinching,
Give not even a twitch
Of your Victorian tail
And steady your gaze
On a wider vista.
We breathe, you and I.
You - without
Moving a muscle,
Me - merging my
Moving body
With your magical
Timeless, breathless
Regal Sphinx
Queen of Composure
Your royal cool steadies
The crashing of my
Beating heart
Against it’s chambers.
Your silence,
A clarion call of
Clarity, resounding
The labyrinthine tunnels
Of troubled thoughts,
Cuts laser sharp
To the quick
Of this moment.
Spring awakening -
Nature's realignment -
Ricochets along my spine
Blowing all distraction sky-high
With a laughter-riddled
Crackle of sunlight.
We breathe, you and I.
And then it is done.

Crystal Palace Sphinx 24th February
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